CIW Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist course
Course Contents
Remember, you can complete this CIW Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist course within 6 months of enrolling. So take your first step by contacting us today !
Detailed Content
- Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3
- Migration to Mobile Devices
- The Web Development Trifecta
- The Evolution of HTML5
- HTML5 Structure Elements
- Validating HTML5 code
- The < video > element
- The < audio > element
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Style Guides
- CSS and HTML
- CSS Terms and Syntax
- Applying CSS Styles
- Page Layout with CSS
- CSS Positioning Schemes
- The CSS Box Model
- Introduction to CSS3
- CSS3 Selectors and Properties
- CSS3 Background Properties
- CSS3 Border Properties
- CSS3 Font Properties
- CSS3 Text Effects
- Introduction to Advanced CSS3 Techniques
- CSS3 2D and 3D Transformations
- CSS3 Transitions
- CSS3 Animations
- CSS3 User Interfaces
- Creating Menus and Buttons with CSS3
- HTML5 and JavaScript
- Introduction to Scripting
- JavaScript Characteristics
- JavaScript vs. other Languages
- Embedding JavaScript into HTML5 Documents
- JavaScript and Common Programming Concepts
- Objects, Properties and Methods
- Variables
- Expressions and Operators
- User Events and JavaScript Event Handlers
- Introduction to JavaScript Functions
- Calling a Function
- Methods as Functions
- Errors in JavaScript
- Introduction to HTML5 APIs
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- Common HTML5 APIs
- The Canvas API
- The Offline AppCache API
- The Geolocation API
- The Drag-and-Drop API
- The File API
- The History API
- Retrieving Data with XMLHttpRequest
- Manipulating Data with jQuery
- Introduction to HTML5 Forms
- Cross-Browser Compatible HTML5 Forms
- HTML5 Form Input Types
- New Form Elements in HTML5
- HTML5 Global Attributes for Form Elements
- Improving Forms with HTML5
- HTML5 Attributes for the < form > Element
- HTML5 Attributes for the < input > Element
- Submitting Forms with the < button > Element
- Concepts and Techniques for Validating User Input
- Validating User Input with HTML5 Attributes
- Validating User Input with JavaScript
- Introduction to Mobile Design
- Mobile Web Sites vs. Mobile Apps
- Designing Web Sites for Mobile Devices
- Page Layout for Mobile Devices
- Navigation and Hyperlinks for Mobile Devices
- Images and Mobile Design
- Validating and Testing Mobile Web Pages
- Responsive Web Design