Kilroy's College

Kilroy's College

Online & Home Study Courses

Job Hunting

Looking for a job

  • Set about job hunting in a systematic way. Use a job file. This will help you to keep all your papers in good order.
  • Use as many channels of information about vacancies as possible (e.g. the press, internet, friends etc.)
  • Persevere - sometimes the job you want cannot be easily found, but your hard work will pay off in the end.

Applying for a job

  • Read the job advertisement and any other documentatoin carefully.
  • Make a first draft of your application before attempting the final draft.
  • Fill in application forms with great care. Check thoroughly that there are no mistakes.
  • Set out the information in your CV neatly and logically. Look at our section on CV writing.
  • Keep letters of application reasonably short. Do not use them to merely repeat details given in the CV.
  • Use the letter of application to emphasize relevant and positive aspects of your experience and qualification.
  • Write in a clear, direct, business-like style.
  • Avoid any mistakes in spelling, punctuation and expression.
  • If you have to telephone your potential employer use the telephone politely and efficiently.