Childcare Diploma course
Our student's quotes
We receive feedback and Testimonials from our students on a daily basis.
Please see below a selection of the quotes we received recently.
What our students say about our Childcare Diploma course:
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your encouragement and good advice all through this process. I really appreciated it. I really enjoyed taking on this course and I know it will be of great benefit to me in the future. I would highly recommend this course to anyone considering a future in childcare and your guidance has been invaluable to me.
Siobhan D. Student no. CC27463
My Childcare course has given me the practical knowledge on how to care for children of many ages. I was very happy with the way Childcare course assignments were corrected and returned to me promptly. The course content was always very clear and easily understood.
Jennifer C. Student no. CC19446
I found my Childcare course to be very knowledgeable and helpful in furthering my education on Childcare. It was great to receive my assignments back with helpful tips from my tutor always with a note pointing me in the right direction.
Sive M. Student no. CC17469
My course gave me a very practical insight into the procedures involved in the workings of a childcare facility. It covered many areas I now know to be very important. I know I have the skills necessary to work in childcare.
Catherine M. Student no. CC15582
I always wanted to open my own playgroup, having done this Childcare course I feel I am ready to do so now.
Jacqueline S. Student no. CC13585
I found my Childcare course very interesting because if the detailed coverage of the various subjects connected to Childcare. I was also most impressed with section on Montessori, as I had no previous experience on this subject.
Violet P. Student no. CCA 14336
I have been promoted to a more senior position in the creche I work in, as a direct result of doing my childcare course. I did most of my studying at weekends therefore I did not feel any pressure and I was able to work to the best of my ability.
Siobhan E. Student no. CCA 12977
I now know the basic steps in running a childcare business and how to deal with children and their everyday needs. This childcare course has given me the incentive to further my knowledge in this area and perhaps open my own business.
Sinead K. Student no. CDA 5861
I believe I now have the confidence, having completed my Childcare course, to change my current job, and to start my own childcare business.
Lorraine C. Student no. CCA 13116
I really enjoyed my childcare course, it has helped me to understand my children so much better and I hope to open my own childcare service very soon. Thanks to Kilroy's College I feel confident I can now manage my own nursery some day soon.
Susan H. Student no. CC 12813
I feel I have improved my job prospects as a result of doing my course. It has confirmed to me that Childcare is where my future career lies .I liked the diversity of topics covered and the easily understood approach to a very complex subject.
Sarah H. Student no. CC13570
This course has been very beneficial to me. I now have a good understanding of the childcare process, the different methods of education, children's behaviour and illnesses and what is required to setup your own creche business. I really enjoyed learning all about newborns, toddlers, feeding, play and physical development and the mental needs of a growing child.
Nathalie G. Student no. CC10439
This course has improved my knowledge immensely. I really liked the format of the course, it is done in such an easy way to follow and if you have any questions you can get in touch with your tutor.
David M. Student no. CCA 13145
This Childcare course has improved my skills in rearing my children and our relationships and their behaviour have improved.
Ann K. Student no. CC12678
I feel much more confident about me applying for Childcare jobs in the future. I have learned a lot about how to deal with children in certain situations. The biggest advantage with this Kilroy's College course was being able to work at my own pace and I also think that my course was completed much quicker than if I were actually a class.
Margaret C. Student no. CC12747
I liked the fact that the course was based on everyday life with children and it was full of common sense and very meaningful to me.
Jennifer M. Student no. CCA 12549
I am very happy with your course and I am now working towards a job in Childcare .I would recommend this Kilroy's College course to anyone. I really enjoyed the section on how to set up your own childcare service, hopefully a goal I will aim for in the future.
Sandra K. Student no. CC11903
My Kilroy's College Childcare course has helped me as I now know what I need to do in order for me to one day run or have a Montessori School of my own.
Deirdre C. Student no. CC12756
I now feel more confident moving forward with my plans. My intention is to open my own morning playgroup for toddlers. Many aspects of the course have helped me to make informed decisions as to how I would like to run my business. The chapters dealing with the practical considerations of running a business were most helpful to me.
Choy Y. Student no. CCA10693
I have secured a new job as a result of completing my childcare course. The books along with the assignments were excellent.
Carol S. Student no. CCA8504
This Childcare course is very professional coming from a very reputable distance learning College. I will have no hesitation in doing another course with you.
Laura C. Student no. CC10778
I found my Childcare course to be extremely interesting and very enjoyable. I am now working as a play group teacher and it is all thanks to my Kilroy's College course. I enjoyed reading, studying and completing all my assignments. I always looked forward to receiving back my corrected assignments and reading the comments from my tutor.
Patricia K. Student no. CC10202
I know a lot more about Childcare than I did six months ago. I now have a great advantage when applying for a job in Childcare.
Alison D. Student no. CC10326
This Childcare course gave me more of an insight into parenting and childcare. I really enjoyed studying and getting my work back especially having attained good marks.
Helen R. Student no. CC10421
I'm very satisfied with the results that I got throughout the Childcare course. Without Kilroy's College I wouldn't even dream of getting results like that. Thank you all for a wonderful course. It was great studying with you.
Cecile K. Student no. CC9465
Working in a primary school I feel the Childcare course has opened up a whole new perspective for me in communicating with and understanding children. The sheer pleasure in learning something new fascinated me, I now want to learn more.
Mary O. Student no. PC8519
Delivery Method:
1. Correspondence
2. Online
Private Tutor: Yes
Duration: 12 months
Price: €695 €486

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